
Welcome to SCAG

Scandinavian CW Activity Group

Hej Telegrafivänner

SCAG reklamprylar finns nu att köpa på nätet!

Scandinavian CW Activity Group – SCAG har som ni vet fyllt 50 år och telegrafin 180 år!

Nu har vi tagit fram en ny telegrafilogga med gubbe och text.

Telegrafin är ju amatörradions grundpelare så vi tycker att det är dags att lyfta fram det lite mera.

Länken till webshop https://gr34t.myspreadshop.se/

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Resultaten för Straight Key Day på Midsommardagen 2024!

Klicka här för att ta dig vidare till all information eller scrolla ner till avsnittet SKD.

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Scandinavian CW Activity Group SCAG’s årsmöte genomfört

Du hittar protokoll och annan info här

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Glöm inte SCAG klubbafton den 17 oktober!

En aktivitet den tredje torsdagen i varje månad mellan klockan 20.00-21.30 svensk tid på 80m. Frekvens mellan 3530 - 3545 kHz.

Syftet med aktiviteten är att SCAG medlemmar kan träffas på bandet för att knyta nya eller återknyta gamla kontakter, i trivsamt tempo och givetvisutan krav på QSO av en viss längd. Vi pratas vid och utbyter förutom vanlig info även våra SCAG medlemsnummer.

Med fördel kan medlemslistan på hemsidan http://scag.se/ skrivas ut och användas för att efter hand markera vilka klubbmedlemmar man haft kontakt med. Ingen tävling, bara ett sätt att inspirera till nya kontakter.

Kommande klubbkvällar på bandet enligt följande:

 17 oktober, 21 november, 19 december

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                             Viktig info till medlemmar

Vår kassör Kåre SM5GRD påminner om att ni anger er epost-adress vid inbetalning av medlemsavgift. Ni som redan betalt och kanske kommer ihåg att ni inte angav epost-adress kan med fördel skicka ett mail till Kåre så för han in det i medlemslistan. Då missar ni heller inga informationsutskick från styrelsen.

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I samband med firandet av SCAG 50-års jubileum 2024 så har specialsignalen SC50AG att aktiverats på banden under februari månad. SCAG bildades år 1974.


Det blev sammanlagt drygt 1800 QSO med stationer i 62 olika länder. Alla kortvågsband förutom 60m aktiverades.

QSL via byrån kommer inom kort. LotW är uppdaterad för er som vill ha QSL den vägen.

Kort sagt, en mycket fin marknadsföring av vår stolta förening som verkar för bevarandet av telegrafi på banden!

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                            SC50AG Special callsign!

We were using the special call SC50AG to celebrate the 50 year anniversary for the Scandinavian CW Activity Group - SCAG.

Active only in February 2024. All stations worked will receive a QSL-card via bureau and a confirmation via LotW.

SCAG was started in 1974 with a mission to promote and preserve the use of telegraphy - CW - on our ham bands. This mission still remains as the main focus of the club. Maybe more so in these days when you don't have to master telegraphy to become a radio amateur.

However, over the decades we still see a steady interest in preserving the use of telegraphy on our ham bands and in recent years also an increasing interest to learn the morse code.

SCAG is the proud sponsor of Swedish club activities related to learning morse code or other activities related to our mission to promote and preserve the use of telegraphy on our ham bands.

SCAG arranges Straight Key Day twice a year, on New Years Day in January and on Midsummers Day at the end of June.

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Glöm inte SCAG’s klubbfrekvenser på 3537 KHz och 7037 KHz.

Varmt välkomna till de olika aktiviteterna önskar styrelsen i SCAG. 

SCAG är nu medlem av det världsomspännande International CW Council - ICWC

SCAG är nu en del av den internationella sammanslutningen ICWC som arbetar för att bevara och utveckla av telegrafi.

Så här skriver ICWC på sin hemsida:

"Our Mission:

The International CW Council (ICWC) comprised of representatives from CW clubs world-wide, promotes and aids in the retention and growth of International Morse Code as a mode of communication between amateur radio operators."

Läs mer om ICWC genom att klicka på länken i vänsterspalten.

SMHSC Webbsida

Färska bullar kan avlyssnas och laddas ner

Resultaten för Straight Key Day på Midsommardagen  2024!

Vinnare blev SM5OCK Håkan på 4,84, tvåa blev SM4XUW Klas på 4,79 och tredjeplatsen gick till SM6NZAStefan på 4,76 i snittpoäng.

SCAG gratulerar tät-trion och alla övriga till de höga betygen. Telegrafi när den är som bäst!

Fullständiga resultat och kommentarer från SKD hittar du genom att klicka här eller på länken till SKD-arkivet i vänsterspalten

Vinnare av den utlottade Begali Spark telegrafinyckeln blev Stefan SM6NZA - grattis!

(Dragningen gjordes av SM5OCK, Håkan och SM6LZQ, Thorbjörn)

 Vi riktar vi ett mycket stort TACK till alla deltagare i Midsommardagens SKD.

 73 de styrelsen i SCAG

Klicka på bilden för stor bild av den fina Begali-nyckeln

Klicka på bilden för stor bild av den fina Begali-nyckeln

SCAG Aktivitetslotteri SOCWA 2023 

Tänk vilken succe det blev med 2023 års SOCWA. Massor med QSO’n och medel QSO’et varade i 21 minuter.

Vinnare i utlottning av SCAG-nycklar i SOCWA 2023 blev

SM0FKI Ulf  som vinner en Vibrokey
SM4EFQ - som vinner en Begali handpump

Stort Grattis från Scandinavian CW Activity Group, SCAG.  

73 de SCAG genom SM5OCK, Håkan  

SCAG - en kort beskrivning..

Scandinavian CW Activity Group (SCAG) är organisation av sändaramatörer med ett gemensamt intresse för amatörradiokommunikation på telegrafi.

SCAG skall stödja och uppmuntra amatörradiotelegrafi och SCAG skall verka för ett gott uppförande och god trafikkultur på amatörradiobanden

SCAG skall genom olika aktiviteter upprätthålla och förbättra färdigheten av telegrafering hos radioamatörer

SCAG skall verka för nordiskt samarbete och gemenskap för att få goda internationella relationer

Styrelsen påminner om  medlemsavgift för 2024, Kr 100:- till PG 83 61 33-9

Från utlandet: IBAN: SE36 9500 0099 6042 0836 1339

BIC: NDEASESS    (glöm inte att ange anropssignal)

Bli medlem i SCAG

Hur blir jag medlem i SCAG?

Skicka ett e-mail till kassaförvaltaren Kåre SM5GRD där du skriver ditt call, namn och adress och talar om att du vill bli medlem och betala årsavgiften enligt ett av alternativen nedan

Årsavgiften är SEK 100

Betalas in på postgiro 83 61 33-9

European countries: IBAN: SE36 9500 0099 6042 0836 1339 BIC: NDEASESS

Glöm inte att betala medlemsavgiften för 2025!

OBS! Viktigt vid inbetalning är att du anger din anropssignal samt epost-adress

SCAG årsmöte den 17 april 2024

Klicka på länk till protokoll till vänster

SCAG styrelse år 2024

(klicka på bilderna eller namn för mer info via extern länk)

Ordförande - SM5OCK Håkan Karlsson, Faktorigatan 1, Lgh 1302, 632 17 ESKILSTUNA (Tel: +4670 6309466, email: sm5ock at ssa.se)

Vice ordförande - SM6LZQ Thorbjörn Hultman, Bräckevägen 528, 471 98

FAGERFJÄLL (tel:+46 70-7413820, email: sm6lzq at ssa.se)

Sekreterare - SM5COP Rune Wande, Sundtorp Dybo 12
647 95 ÅKERS STYCKEBRUK, email: sm5cop at ssa.se)

Kassaförvaltare - SM5GRD Kåre Lekebjer, Villberga Edsta 5
749 51 GRILLBY, email: sm5grd at ssa.se

Styrelseledamot - SM2CEW Peter Sundberg, Börjelsvägen 140, SE-975 98 LULEÅ (tel: +4670 132 02 53 email:sm2cew@telia.com


SM0TAE Robert Malmqvist (sammankallande)
(tel: +4670 555 38 49 email: robert.malmqvist at telia.com)

Lars-Erik Jacobsson, SM0FDO

(tel: +4670 343 99 69 email: sm0fdo at gmail.com)

Mats Gunnarsson, SM7BUA
(tel: +4670 638 44 32 email: sm7bua at gmail.com)

Revisorer :  SM5KRI Krister and SM5ACQ Donald.


En telegrafist nöjer sig inte med vad som helst - här nedan ser vi Rune SM5COP vid bordet laddat med diverse godsaker!

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Klarar du att avkoda ett telegrafimeddelande som det lät på telegrafstationen när det sändes via tråd - långt innan radion var uppfunnen

Här kan du via en länk till klapprande morse lyssna på hur det lät och ge dig på ett försök att tyda meddelandet.

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SAQ Grimeton aktiv på Alexandersondagen

Den 4 juli 2021 aktiverades åter den gamla Alexanderson alternatorn för ett sända ett telegrafimeddelandet med anledning av firandet av den årliga Alexandersondagen.

Meddelandet som sändes kl 09.00 UTC på 17.2 kHz kan du lyssna på här 

Inspelningen gjordes uppe i Norrbotten. Som sig bör så sändes meddelandet med handpump, precis som det var på den tid då SAQ utgjorde en viktig länk för utväxling av information till olika delar av världen.

SCAG tackar särskilt Alexander - Grimeton veteranradios vänner för underhållningen!

CW key gallery

- professional or just homebrew and innovative - you choose

Nyheter från EUCW - European CW Association

Från vår kontaktperson i EUCW Krister SM5KRI kommer följande information:

EuCW Chairman

EuCW Bulletin No 2024/04

1) First I would like to truly apologize for a both somewhat delayed and also considerably shorter Newsletter this time. The main reason is that I have now ended my work assignment in Indonesia, and the beginning of October has been busy with moving back from Jakarta to Moscow. But also to be honest, a very limited amount of contributions from the clubs in EuCW :( Please next time support me with your contributions and there are still many clubs that never or very seldom share any activity. This is a sad development honestly.

In one month I will probably start another international assignment, so please stay tuned for updates regarding new location until the end of this year. I have also slowly started to get my station on the air from Moscow Region, but still only on 10-20 meters using my TS 590S, OM-2500 and the SP7IDX hexbeam. My ambition is also to add at least 30 and 80 meter dipoles before I leave for new adventures. Band conditions have been great, but of course with high geomagnetic activity.

2) The International Amateur Radio Union (Region 3) is undertaking a review of the 40 Metre Band Plan. This is being done under the banner of Harmonisation, and seeks to address many of the inconsistencies in the 40 metre band plans across different countries and regions. You can review the chart produced by the WIA in the link below illustrating the differences between Band Plans across Region 3. One of Australia's representative bodies, the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has taken the lead on behalf of the IARU, Region 3. Whilst this is a worthy aspiration, we are concerned that the proposed solutions are discriminating against CW operators. CW operators may end up with as little as 25kHz at the bottom of the band. Indeed, one option will see our allocation restricted to 7000 - 7025kHz, which would also exclude some USA operators from the Band altogether. The objective of this Save 40 metres CW initiative is to raise awareness with CW operators worldwide and to advocate for a fair and reasonable allocation on 40 metres for all CW operators.

How to navigate this website https://www.save40metrescw.com/ :

Read the Consultation Paper first.
Read and consider the Key Issues
Read the Call to Action
Stay up to date by visiting our News Blog from time to time

3) The G-QRP Club had a month-full of on-the-band activity in September, with most of the regional variation of the Club callsign (G#5LOW) activated during the month, ant seven overseas special event stations from all over Europe. A real success, which saw dozens of operators on the bands, and lots of CW activity. The next major Club event will be the Winter Sports. This is NOT a contest, but more a gathering of likeminded souls on the bands on, or around the QRP frequencies. This all takes place twixt the Christmas pud and the New Years hangover. To be more precise it runs from Boxing Day until New Years Day inclusive. The G4DQP Trophy is awarded annually to the best log submitted of QRP contacts during the clubs Winter Sports. All logs and claims must be sent to Enzo M0KTZ (via email) by 7th February each year.

4) The HACWG held his annual "HA3NS Memorial Sprint Contest" on 1st June. This very short - one hour - contest became a popular CW event. Well over 100 CW fans from more than 20 countries participated in two categories. We had 65 LP and 36 HP entrants. All participants had the possibilty two download an online award after the contest. Results are available here:
https://log.mrasz.hu/results/6652071b0507c1dca92abe95/final?eventId=6652071b0507c1dca92abe95 Thanks Lacy HA3NU (Chairman of HACWG) for the contribution.

5) YL3JD, Hans informs us of the Latvian Mechanical Key Activity, Friday the 11th of October. Time : Start 18:00 UTC till 19:00 UTC. Duration 1 hour. Exchange : RST AGE/Type of key. Band : 80 meters Type of key : S for Straight key B for Bug
C for Cootie or Side Swiper. For 2024 the dates are set to: 11 Oct 2024 – 18:00 UTC 06 Dec 2024 – 18:00 UTC Hope to hear you all on Friday the 11th with great sounding mechanical key music. All information, log upload and certificates can be found on: https://yl3jd.fizioikskile.lv/mkey/

6) For 2025 AGCW invites all EUCW friends to participate in its permanent activities:

AGCW Activities:

A) Friendship Activity: AGCW fosters friendships and rag chews on the top 5 kHz of all CW only bands. Submit all QSOs over a duration of 10 minutes. ( eucw.org/agcw/fsa.txt)

B) Bug and Cootie Activity: This promotes the use of bugs and sideswipers on the top 10 kHz, Submit all B+C QSOs there over a duration of 5 min, even those with users of other keys. ( eucw.org/agcw/buc.txt).

Both activities are widely compatible with EUCW's Snakes and Ladders and ICWC's Top9 activity. AGCW applies synergy instead of competing with these great CW on-air activities. This means that many if not most contacts in our activities do qualify vor Top9 and S+L, too. Upcoming AGCW Contests:

16-10-2024 Semi-Automatic Party ( eucw.org/agcw/semi.txt).
01-01-2025 Happy New Year Contest ( eucw.org/agcw/hny.txt).

While contests are fun to some of us they are just hay fires in terms of band occupancy. Therefore, we strongly recommend the permanent activities because they are more resilient, and they take place where the CW community struggles with intruders. Unless we use our frequencies we will lose them.

Eyeball meetings: Future meetings will be held near Fulda (JO40sm46) in central Germany.

7) Although not exactly a club activity, but still a very interesting CW activity, Vlado Z35M from MCWG made a HF actication (CW of course) on 22.9.2024 from a cable car cabin, second time after first attempt in 2018. This time two CW QSOs (OZ and LY) were done on 20m CW with a power of 5W and a short vertical antenna. The entire activation lasted 10 minutes in a cabin with four other unknown persons. Probably the first such QSOs globally. CW from everywhere!

73 de Mats RM2D (SM6LRR, SJ6R and YB0LRR)

EuCW mailing list

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Ämne: [EuCW] Personal Introduction


Dear CW friends,

I am reaching out to you, with a short introduction of myself. As you personally might be aware of, I will take over the position as EuCW Chairman for the next three years, representing UQRQC.

It is first of all a true honor to be selected by UQRQC as their representative to lead EuCW for this upcoming period of three years. Thank you for the trust and nomination! I will put my best efforts in strengthening EuCW and the close interaction with all Membership Clubs and our International Associated Clubs.

In order for you to get to know me a bit better, here is a short personal summary:

I was born in Sweden 56 years ago (1966), and grew up near Gothenburg (Göteborg). My first contact with shortwave radio was through my grandfathers old Schaub-Lorenz AM receiver. While doing my first BC DX-ing,

I also heard signs of CW and immediately told myself: This language I need to learn in order to decode all the secret messages that must be hidden on the bands.

In 1979, as a 13-year-old high school student, I was introduced to Ham Radio for the first time. At the school we had a club station (SK6JQ) and this was during a time when 10 meters was in a super shape due to approaching sun spot maximum. What actually interested me mostly at that time was to develop my English language skills by talking to US stations on 10 meters SSB.

However, the requirement to be able to do so from an own station, was of course at that time to also learn CW. I did so during the winter 1979/80, and in September 1980 I was the lucky guy to receive the callsign SM6LRR.

Ten years of intense activity followed, and I still remember the day when I became a member of my first CW club HSC. This was in 1983. SSB interest was more and more replaced with the love for CW, and even during the long QRT-period 1990-2005, I kept the CW knowledge alive. Once you learn to ride a bike, the ability
never disappears.

In 2006 I was selected for a position as Centre Manager for a large IKEA Shopping Centre and moved to Russia. I then realized it would be interesting to also be active as a Swedish Ham in Russia, but the rules for foreign hams in Russia at that time were very unclear, and it took me nearly three years until I finally was awarded with a temporary Russian call R3/SM6LRR (May 2009). In 2012, I got my permanent RM2D callsign.

Ever since, I have been very active on the bands with a keen focus on mainly different CW activities. I appreciate all kinds of Ham Radio directions and some of them are: CW (QRQ and QRS to support newcomers), DX-ing, Contesting, RDA-hunting (and activation).

Approximately 80-85% of my time on the air is CW, with some occasional SSB in between. I have tried digital modes some five years ago, but never got hooked. Although I am not fanatically
trying to be member of all CW clubs there is,

I am still a member of a few (in alphabetical order): CWOps, FOC, HSC, RCWC, SCAG, SKCC, U-QRQ-C. Sometimes I bring my radio along on holidays and business trips, and occasionally I have participated in some DX-expeditions. Calls that I have activated during such occasions include: 5B/SM6LRR, 4S7LRG, XV2LRR, XV2D, 4U70UN, RM2D/0, XV9D, TI9A, 8Q7MS, JT4RR.
My home station RM2D is located west of Moscow (100 kms from the Red Square) and consists of a few different radios:  TS-590S/Elecraft K2/Elecraft KX-3, Lab599 TX-500. My antennas are: SP7IDX Hexbeam at 18 meters, vertical for 40 meter, Inv Vees for 80, 30 (and 160 meters to come).

I work CW using Bencher and Bamatech paddles with WinKeyer as well as straight key (Swedish key from 1979). Lately I am trying to also master a vertical bug but take very small and slow steps so far. The Iambic pattern has deeply penetrated into my brains and have issues to switch to sending beautiful bug characters so far.

Last but not least, I am a dedicated believer in Ham Spirit, and Ham Radio as a bridge between people belonging to ANY nation, ANY culture, ANY religion or ANY sexual orientation. We indeed have huge geopolitical challenges, not the least in the country where I chose to live (and plan to live for many years).

Emotions are strong, opinions not less. But my motto is that Ham Radio is, and shall remain an APOLITICAL hobby. Therefore, I am stubbornly resisting any attempts to make me state opinions or take sides in ANY conflicts of the world.

I was raised by my Elmers in 1979-1980 to NEVER talk politics on the bands, or when wearing my Ham Radio Call on a cap or on a t-shirt.

I have friends in many, many countries, and I intend to continue this way to lead EuCW through a challenging time. This, just to straighten any questions marks, and to understand my Ham Spirit view, leadership style and commitment to Amateur Radio as such.

Now to another important topic:  

EuCW is an organization that is supposed to interact as umbrella for lots of independent CW organizations. We are not on top of CW clubs. We are instead (or should be) the glue between clubs, that ensures that CW is always  remaining as the backbone of Amateur Radio in Europe (and elsewhere).

But for EuCW to be efficient and strong defender of CW, I also need YOUR personal help to support me. Every quarter, I am responsible for issuing a newsletter. The quality of that Newsletter partly depends on the input I get from you, as ECM for your CW Club (or Liaison officer for our international Associate Clubs).

My schedule for the newsletters will be the following:

Publication of newsletters not later than seven days from the beginning of each Quarter:

- Latest Jan 7th

- Latest April 7th

- Latest July 7th

- Latest October 7th

This means that I will ask you as ECMs and Liaison Officers to provide your important points beforehand. Let us make things easy. Deadlines for next quarter should be delivered not later than March 25th, June 25th, September 25th and December 20th (Christmas should be peaceful without additional disturbing tasks).

In a few weeks, I will send another letter with small, desired expectations from you guys. We need to ensure that we get better to streamline the quality of information from all member clubs, so we can give a professional picture of EuCW and its members on the homepage. Today, there is a bit of undesired quality and content variations, being my first impression.

Together, I am sure we will be able to make this gradually change in a positive way. Any time you have some questions, always feel free to contact me by email:  sm6lrr@gmail.com or via any of the messaging systems

WhatsApp/Signal/Viber/Telegram/Botim on my number +79150258381

Looking very much forward to working together in EuCW to strengthen European CW in particular as well as International CW!

73 de Mats    RM2D   (SM6LRR)

CW är en livsstil för många - här kan du ta del av vår samling av artiklar, notiser och länkar i ämnet

Det finns mycket skrivet om telegrafi. Kjell Nerlich, SM6CTQ, som har 35 års erfarenhet av att lära ut telegrafi, har skrivit följande artiklar:

Telegrafins historia

Att lära sig telegrafi

SM6CTQ Kjell